What to Look for in a Good Partner

Dr. Susan Edelman
4 min readMay 24, 2019

It’s difficult to find a suitable partner, especially when our culture tells us that beauty, confidence, and wealth are the most important qualities people should look for in others. You might start to believe that you have to look a certain way or that you must feel confident to get into a good relationship. But it’s not true. There are way more important things to look for that signal that a person is a good person to be in a romantic relationship with.

Men who have the kind of external qualities that society tells you are super important for dating success may seem much more appealing than men who would actually make better partners. Many women these days are falling for narcissists because they fit the bill superficially, although they make poor partners and husbands. At worst, narcissistic partners are downright abusive. Think about it — would a narcissist try harder to look good and make money, or would he strive to plan romantic dates, and make his partner feel special and loved by caring for her? Improving external appearances and superficial qualities are easy for a narcissistic person.

It’s very challenging to be in a relationship where it’s all him and what he wants. Your needs and feelings will always take a back seat when you’re with a narcissistic, immature partner. And, that’s a recipe for unhappiness in a relationship, no matter how handsome, successful, or rich he is according to society’s standards.

So what should you look for in a dating partner to determine if he is long-term material?

1. Kindness and consideration. Is he a kind person? Is he considerate of other people’s feelings? Sometimes a man is simply trying to put his best foot forward with you to try and impress you. You want someone who is genuinely caring. Ideally, you want a man who wants to make you happy.

2. Good communication skills. Sure he may be able to tell you how much he likes you, but how does he handle conflict? You want a man who can respect a different opinion than his own without resorting to immature and hurtful tactics. How else will you be able to work out your differences if you’re with someone who is arrogant and doesn’t fight fair?

3. Ability to compromise. Every couple has their differences. When both partners do some compromising, your…



Dr. Susan Edelman

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