Watch for These 7 Red Flags when Dating a Divorced Man

Dr. Susan Edelman
5 min readFeb 4, 2023

Do alarm bells go off when you think of dating a divorced man? Women often worry about dating a man who is divorced. Why did he get divorced? Will history repeat itself with you as his spouse?

Some women want to completely avoid dating divorced men because they are afraid of getting hurt and aren’t sure how to sort out these complicated questions. But once you are over a certain age, a large percentage of men are divorced. So why narrow your dating pool?

Don’t worry. You can tell the difference between the men who are keepers and the ones who will cause trouble for your love life. Keep reading to get a bonus tip at the end of this article about how to tell them apart.

Dating a divorced man doesn’t mean your relationship is doomed from the start. In fact, many divorced men marry again and have very successful second or third marriages. This is a situation where you have to make good dating decisions, because you want to protect your heart.

When dating a divorced man, watch for these 7 red flags and consider which of these men aren’t going to work for you:

#1: He says he’s “separated.”

Just because he is separated does not mean he is divorced. In fact, by saying he is separated, he is saying that he is not quite divorced…



Dr. Susan Edelman

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