How to Be OK with Aging: 5 Things That Get Better with Age

Dr. Susan Edelman
5 min readApr 29, 2023

Aging is a topic that many of us don’t want to confront, because many people today dread the aging process. They don’t realize the advantages involved.

Our culture is obsessed with youth and beauty. Instead of being happy to just look their best, women get injections at the first sign of wrinkles and they do it at increasingly younger ages. Americans spent greater than $16.5 billion in cosmetic plastic surgery and fillers in 2018. The results of say that the amount of money women spend on their appearance is enough to pay college tuition or buy a home. are starting to follow this expensive trend. We avoid looking older like the plague, because we don’t know how to be OK with aging.

It’s not your fault if you’re concerned about your appearance. In our culture, we are bombarded by increasingly unrealistic and unattainable beauty ideals. With this much cultural pressure, you would have to feel very secure about yourself not to feel some level of insecurity. We are constantly judged by the way we look. Moreover, it can feel like we are in competition with other women, especially when we experience fat-shaming or notice it happening to celebrities who put on a few pounds. Men also experience these types of discrimination.



Dr. Susan Edelman

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