How to Be a Good Date and Improve Your Dating Success

Dr. Susan Edelman
5 min readFeb 18, 2023

When you’ve been dating awhile, it can take a lot of time, energy, and determination to keep putting yourself out there when it seems you have little results to show for all your efforts. And if your heart has been bruised and battered, it can be even more challenging to date and risk getting hurt again and again.

You might be bringing your baggage from a past relationship to the dating process and unknowingly pass on some men who might be serious contenders for love. Unless you make a habit of being a good date, you might not have the chance for dating round two.

Why It Matters for You to Be a Good Date Too

If you want to get second dates, it’s important for you to learn how to be a good date. Practicing your dating skills on the men you meet is a good way for you to get ready to date Mr. Right. You might have to kiss a few frogs to find your Prince Charming. Okay maybe not kiss them, but learn how to be a good date with them.

When you know how to be a good date, you avoid jumping to quick conclusions about who a man is and what he wants based on your previous experiences that may not be fair or even correct. You could be weeding out some good men who happened to be off their game that night or who you misinterpreted on the first date. It is important to approach your dates…



Dr. Susan Edelman

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