How Do You Figure Out Where Your Relationship Stands? | Be Your Own Brand of Sexy

Dr. Susan Edelman
4 min readOct 12, 2019

In art and literature, the season of autumn represents both maturity and ripeness. Friedrich Nietzsche once said, “Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.” How do you know whether your relationship with a man will bloom like spring or lead to a cold, lonely winter? You may think the easiest way to find out is to ask. All your friends may tell you to ask him where things stand. If it’s not going anywhere, they may even tell you that you need to ask him for “closure” so you can move on. But is asking a guy where you stand with them ever a good idea?

Another approach to consider is taking a step back and letting him have the opportunity to come to you and to show he’s interested. Will he miss you if you’re gone? If he’s not trying to connect with you in a relatively short period of time, then you have your answer. If he’s not in touch with you in a couple of weeks, then he isn’t that into you. At this point, it’s best to avoid asking anything and move on without him.

Has either of these situations happened to you? Paula and Joan had two very similar outcomes when they talked with the men they were dating to clarify their relationships. Let’s take a look at what happened to Paula first:



Dr. Susan Edelman

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