Dating During a Pandemic: How to Do It Safely
A serious pandemic is going on right now, and everyone must first focus on one thing: staying safe. Social Distancing or sheltering in place are the two official recommendations that can help flatten the curve and keep this disease from impacting more people. But, if you also want to meet your ideal man, you should also learn how to date during an outbreak.
More and more people are staying home and working remotely, using various apps to help them connect to coworkers so they can continue their jobs. So why not consider these apps to help you make new, meaningful connections without needing to leave your home?
The “First Date” in a Pandemic
Guess what: FaceTime and Skype Video chats are becoming the new “first dates.” If you haven’t tried this whole video dating thing before, it can seem really strange, and you may even be skeptical.
You may be thinking that you cannot possibly tell the chemistry between you and the guy unless you meet face to face. Or that you may not look your best on a video chat since you’re not a videographer who knows how to use lighting to their advantage. Or that it feels wrong, just wrong.
Your worries aren’t unfounded but know that a lot of women have been screening men with phone calls or chats before meeting them for years, so this is really not that different. Sure, it’s not ideal either, but beggars can’t be choosers in this particular period. Without these apps, you may be throwing away your chance to meet Mr. Right safely, and take your time before deciding if the guy is worth a real-life date when this is over.
In fact, you may find it so useful, just like a lot of other women, that it may just become the norm when things settle down and you return to your normal routine.
The 5 Advantages to Video First Dates
Using video to get to know someone before you go on a date to find out if he’s actually Mr. Right, has some pretty impressive advantages you should know about:
#1. You Actually Get to See Him
On the internet, nobody knows you’re a dog and you can easily say you’re tall, dark and handsome when you’re really just his 4th cousin twice removed. Video dating can spare you that disappointment and actually get to see the guy and find out what he really looks like.
#2. You’ll Learn More about His Personality
When you meet someone in real life, you can get a better sense of who they are: how their voice sounds, if he’s a good listener or talker, how he reacts to what you’re saying, and so on.
And these factors matter a lot because they add to the chemistry between you and Mr. Right. A video date can help you find out more about his personality, speak to him, and see his reactions or how he carries himself.
#3. You’ll Have a Better First (Real) Date
Since you’ve already seen each other and talked, that takes a lot of the pressure off the first date. The both of you will be more comfortable, walk in confident and maybe even more prepared for what’s to come.
How many first dates did you have, and how nervous were you? Guys don’t like to admit this often, but they get nervous too. And these nerves can sometimes throw off the flow of the date, and you walk away thinking he’s not right for you.
#4. It’s a Fast Way to Get to Know a Guy
If you’ve used dating apps or texted with a guy, you know that making the jump from a text to a coffee date is a bit difficult. Even though you may chat daily, you’re still not comfortable enough to see him, because you don’t really know him. So you wait and chat some more.
Video dates can cut the texting short and let you move to the next step. He can reveal himself during this call, letting you know if there truly is a chance for him to be Mr. Right.
#5: You Show That You’re Concerned about His Safety Too.
A lot of the concerns that you have, he has. So by choosing this option, you can show your thoughtful side, proving you are a caring person, even towards an individual you don’t know very well. You’ll show your character and, if he’s really Mr. Right, he’ll love you for it.
Final Thoughts
Video calls are a fantastic way to screen a potential partner and save you the troubles of going through a first date with some guy you’re really not interested in dating.
When you are ready to try video dating, know that you never get a second chance to make a first impression, so you should treat these calls like you would a first date. Preparing. If you need more help in that department, you can check out my new guide called How to Make a Good First Impression Video Chat Dating.
If you really wish to meet Mr. Right, you will need to give video chat dating a shot, at least for the next few months.
What do you think about the idea? Are you open to try it, or prefer to wait and meet him face to face? Let us know in the comments!